Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Header Up

So I was sitting around at work and decided that I would create a header for the blog. I needed to do it anyway, and decided what better time than down time? Not much to be said about it. Pretty gray and unexciting, but so has the weather been lately. I'll surely create a more festive one around Spring time. I just needed something to put up, and if I'm going to take it down eventually, might as well post it to commemorate the creation date and to "immortalize" it on the blog.

Thank you for coming, and enjoy your stay.

-Scott D.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First Piece for PS Blog - Big Ben's BBQ Station

I sort of feel that maybe I should have chosen a better piece for my first post so you get a better first impression. But I think that maybe, just maybe, if it's good enough for you to comeback here from time to time to see if I've posted any other pieces, then this is a good first piece.

This is a business card I made for Big Ben's BBQ Station out in Cherokee, KS. HOME OF THE BIG BRUTUS PLATTER (challenge). Somebody call Man V. Food because the challenger has to take down approximately 8 lbs of food in 1 hour in order to complete the challenge. Details are on the back side of the card, which I have posted below.

He basically wanted Harley Davidson black and orange which works because it just so happens that his restaurant is in an old auto-shop. In fact, there's actually a car lift still in the building that Ben fashioned into 4 2-people tables. Speaking of Ben, perhaps I should have put his name on the business card. But I suppose it's more for the restaurant than him personally. I'll just tell you here, the owner's name is BEN WEAVER.

I have yet to eat out there, but I hope to go soon as I am a bit of BBQ connoisseur. Anyway, a little bit of free promotion for Big Ben's and something for me to show you.

Thank you for coming and enjoy your stay.


Welcome to my Photoshop Blog

Hey, everyone, welcome to my new blog. I haven't even remotely touched my blogger in the last year and a half, so I figured I would pick it back up. I don't exactly know how organized this will be, but I imagine I will at least achieve what my former boss, Larry Jump, refers to as "organized chaos".

As you probably have already seen, this blog is called Photoshop. Basically I am going to post items I have created or simply tutorials I have done in PS. Some will be better than others, obviously. With the tutorials, my original thought was to do a tutorial, revisit it later on down the road, and seen if I have made any improvement.

For now, I will just post a thing or two, and then proceed to learn how to customize my blogs and such. It'll be good practice for me as I feel as though I am stagnating a bit.

That about wraps it up. Thank you, and enjoy your stay.

-Scott Dalton